The effects of many natural fragrances have not yet been studied, but are often used in alternative medicine. Aromatherapists treat almost all diseases with essential oils, and each oil is attributed to a specific effect on the body and spirit.

Bergamot is considered to help with all kinds of infections, flu, colds, sore throats, coughs, and bronchitis, and improves digestion, but also to lift the mood. Thyme essential oil warms, reduces muscle tension, relieves pain and sadness, increases mental strength and energy, facilitates breathing, encourages sweating, and cleanses the body. But even with mild natural remedies, caution is needed.

Essential oils should not be taken by mouth (except after consulting a reliable phytoaromatherapist) as they can cause poisoning. Before applying to the skin, essential oils should be diluted with a base vegetable oil (eg almond) to avoid skin irritation.

Tea tree relieves inflammation and cures acne
Tea tree oil has an antiseptic effect and destroys bacteria and fungi, research shows. This oil is often added to natural cleansers and special-purpose cosmetics, such as acne creams and anti-dandruff shampoos. It is also useful in inhalations because it helps to clear the airways of colds and coughs.

The smell of ginger drives away all kinds of nausea
Ginger is the most effective natural remedy for nausea and is also suitable for pregnant women. The scent itself is effective - a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief makes you nauseous.

The relaxing scents of essential oils combined with massage work great for sore muscles. You can prepare an effective painkiller by dripping 5 drops of pine essential oil, 7 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in 60 ml of almond oil.